Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Top Row: James, Zane, Kevin, Zero, Peter, Darma, Sallem
Middle Row: Hirusha, Apple, Naomi, Nattaly, Enswaran, Bernard
Bottom Row: Ali, Ridhwan, Abdullah, Than Doe

The RMIT Foundation Studies Year End Party last Friday was a blast. Didn't exactly meet a whole lot of new people, but with the ones I already know, we got closer. If you haven't noticed, there's a entire slew of photos uploaded on Facebook already! There are even videos on YouTube.

One thing that did surprise me was how many Foundation Studies students there are in RMIT. The entire floor of the restaurant was taken up by us.

But that was last week. This week I've got three assignments to finish, the sooner the better. Chemistry's the toughest and newest idea: designing and conducting an experiment without the assistance of laboratory equipment.

I've already designed one on the surface tension strength of bubbles at different temperatures. Finding an alcohol thermometer is no easy task in a world now using electronic thermometers. As a substitute, I'm using a "cake thermometer" -- a rod with a gauge on top. Unorthodox, but it'll do.

More recently, about 2 hours ago, I bumped into Erika Hana Putri on Lygon Street!

World AIDS Day 2010
Get the facts

Friday, November 26, 2010


Chemistry Teacher, Mary Fay: "...and class, that is why phenolphthalein is used in Volumetric Analysis for Acid-base titration."
Me, Bernard Sam: "Phenolphthalein. Ma'am, is that Elvish?"

It's quite clear it's a common indicator given the topic we were covering, but I'm just like you.

And by that, I mean that like your Internet, I'm freaking crazy.

College has been mighty fine. The assignments are flooding in at this time, and they are an entirely new beast to handle. But with 2 weeks left, I'm sure I'll be able to finish them off in a before the due date even comes close.

Been singing oldies with the classmates everyday in class, to break the occasional awkward silence during those work periods. We've sung lyrics along the line of: "I wanna be your hero, babeh!" and "Raindrops keep falling on my head."

Oh, and a random thought: before I go any further, if you're attending the International Cempaka Prom tomorrow night, I wish you a great time there! I've been to two of the International Proms already (three if not for the distance) and they certainly won't disappoint.

Right and speaking of college, tomorrow's the Year End Party for all Foundation Studies students. Haven't been very involved with the RMIT social gatherings what with the recent exam and all, so I'm looking forward to it.

Since our English Period Teacher has to be there, our attendance has to be mandatory if we want to check our attendance above 80%.

Never has there been a greater cause to attend English Periods.

RMIT Foundation Studies Year End Party
Actually it's more of a lunch-thing

Saturday, November 20, 2010


This is how my day began (don't worry, I'll get to the movie asap): I woke up to the sound ringing bells, the doorbell kind. I was supposed to be up by 10:30AM, but I naturally silenced it.

Uncle Po Chuan was around our neighbourhood and decided to pop by. If he hadn't I'd probably be late; for today at 2:00PM, I'd be watching the seventh Harry Potter film with some old ex-Cempakan buddies.

A couple of hours later, I'd be at Melbourne Central (the shopping centre that's exactly where you'd think it is) looking for Sharon Chen. Remember her from Year 8 2007? Well, I instantly recognised her sitting on a bench. Just for the fun of it, I called her, told her to look the right as I moved, like the ninja I am, to her left. "Now look to the left. How've you been?"

Minutes later, Ellya walked through one of the many entrances with Chin Khong Fwu (KFC/KUNG FU PANDA) and he looked like he was doing great!

After meeting up, we went straight to the cinema while at the same time, catching up with the last few months of our lives.

We entered a very large cinema room, labeled Hall 3. I was honestly quite surprised it was opened early. I haven't watched a film in the cinemas in Australia for a good 2 years now and they're quite different from Malaysia. The most important difference is that they don't serve caramel coated popcorn; how they survive zombie apocalypses and romantic endeavors without it is anyone's guess. The seats were decent and large for a boy of my size. Soon the trailers popped on but there was nothing new to pique my interest. I'm fairly updated with the comings and goings of the movie realm so I simply satisfied myself with guessing correctly what each trailer entailed.

And now, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. Be warned: minor spoilers lie ahead.

Right off the bat, I'm a Harry Potter film fan. I've never read the books, not sure if I'll begin, but I'll always continue to watch the films -- including the last one next year. David Yates (director of the films since Order of the Phoenix) has very clearly crafted a masterpiece. From the more mature tones to the engaging cinematography (my favourite being the chase sequence through the woods), you have a film that has been growing up since the beginning.

Gone are the days where we expect new actors to play new teachers in each film, and gone are the days our heroes are, for the most part, trapped within the confines of Hogwarts. This is a film that very brilliantly strides in a new direction.

Also I have to say: the three lead roles have never carried their roles this well in any of the previous films.

Though the film somewhat skips ahead on particular explanations or events that transpired in the books, if you've seen the past films you should have no problem in working it out.

I found a hefty portion of the adventure akin to Lord of the Rings; just with taller, shoed hobbits and without the muttering of "my precious". You'll understand when you're in front of the screen.

The best part about this film is that it is not unlike the finales of the TV Series Lost. This is a film that brings everything back from the past, from actors to props to those "hey, that was in the first film!" articles, for the final stretch to answer questions, build new ones and set the film on it's inevitable course to the end.

Now, after the film, we walked to Albert Park on the south end of Melbourne. There was more catching up to be had, definitely. There were loads of events in the city, with popular places being packed with people wearing all sorts of bright colours.

Me: "Say, did anyone here find your name wicked when they first heard it?"
Khong Fwu: "Yeah. They told me, 'Your name's Kung Fu? Bullsh*t."

At around 5:00PM, we started to walk back towards the city to go our separate ways. I used a bathroom on Collins Street which was exactly like a dungeon. It was beneath the ground carved into the side of aging building, with grills and a smell that certainly smells like a dungeon (overexaggeration).

Ended up having a Subway dinner with the family, and that was my entire Saturday.

*image taken from IGN.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Don't Get Me Wrong.

People think examinations are horrible. They're right. But I know of an even more sinister evil: the results.

The pressure is undeniable, the anticipation more so. Personally, I think no matter what grade you get, you'll be surprised. So why am I suddenly talking about this? That's right, I've gotten my marks back from the teachers for the Mid-Semester's and I'd like to share them with you (and keep a personal log for future me!).

What follows is only the results of the paper which sums up to 30% of this semester's mark.

RMIT Foundation Mid-Semester Results Information
*the following are the results over a 100

General Mathematics: 72
Biology: 91
Chemistry: 89
Physics: 81

On a separate note, take a look at what arrived in the mail today:

It's my long-awaited Physics for the IB Diploma textbook by Tsokos. Before you start pointing a finger at a picture of mine and yell "NERD", this is entirely for my work in class. Finally, no longer will I feel lost in class and wonder which chapter we're on!

The only downside is this particular book is significantly heavy. In fact, I could say this is the heaviest book I've ever owned. This isn't so great when I've got to walk and travel long distances between home and the buildings around the city. Maybe it'll help me beef up.

It's also incredibly dry, but hey, when's school work ever drenched?

Monday, November 8, 2010

I Can Relate to That.

There has never been anything to see in the sky. At night it is usually blank. During the day there is the sun, but you can't directly at that so they don't.

- Adams, D. 1979, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Pan Books, United Kingdom

Call of Duty: Black Ops
"Unbelievably gorgeous"


Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh, Poo.

Yep, that's right. I'm still using my Cempaka Schools exercise books for writing down those pesky college materials.

Currently, I'm in the middle of my Foundation Studies first Mid-Semester Exam. This is slightly different from the exams I sat in for High School, mostly due to the fact that I have classes in between exam dates. Plus rather reach school at the exact same time each day, I've got to leave the house at different times each morning to arrive on time.

It's different, no doubt, but nothing I can't handle.

If you missed my first exam review, here's how it's going to go down:

Papers will be reviewed from my own account from 0 (WTF?) to 10 (Masterful) for you to get a better understanding of how well I thought the papers were (based mostly on length, time allocation, question variation, experience), not how simply by how easy it was.

LAST UPDATE: November 5, 2010 10:40PM

General Mathematics

• Week 1:
- Day 1 (Monday): Chemistry A & General Mathematics A - Chemistry turned out to be a pretty good paper with few surprises and difficulties; I was expecting something much more challenging. The Math paper, on the other hand, served me my backside. Despite the "basic" topics it covered, it managed to bring out tricky questions and weird numbers for solutions. Although I managed to scribble equations into every space before the time ran out, I'm not so sure if I did well. Being one of the few who thought the paper was a head-scratcher was also unfortunate. (+8.5, +4.5)
- Day 2 (Wednesday): English Language Classes - Went to the library today to learn researching, paraphrasing and referencing skills. I still find the idea of having classes in between exam dates to be weird but the information I got from this class will probably be very valuable especially when I get into university.
Day 3 (Thursday): Biology A - Beautiful paper. The kind of paper where if you study hard, you've got it under wraps. Nothing too surprising, varied and the topics that were used have been covered. (+9)
Day 4 (Friday): Physics A & English Class - This paper was by far the hardest paper in this exam. Everyone's getting different answers (except the one where we all got 1km), toss a few strange numbers in and you've got this paper. Managed to fill in all the blanks (even used an unorthodox method for that tension question), so the past is in the past. English class was normal, filled with singing and communication. Oh, and HAPPY DEEPAVALI all! (+6.5)

For my thoughts on the IGCSE Papers (& Driving Exam) this year, simply click here

RMIT Mid-Semester Examinations Sept-Intake 2010
Foundation Studies Science, Engineering & Technology
01.11.2010 - 05.11.2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops
"Breathless & amazing"
- Yahoo!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Should've Used Specificity.

Us: Any advice for the examinations?

Teacher: Remember your name, your student number, the date and my name. There, I just gave you page one.

If only page one carried more than 0% of the total marks to be given.

RMIT Mid-Semester Examinations Sept-Intake 2010
Foundation Studies Science, Engineering & Technology
01.11.2010 - 05.11.2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops
"Breathless & amazing"
- Yahoo!
