Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We've Taken the Lead.

Perhaps you’re like me. You knew the IGCSE's Result Day was coming, and it seemed like a good time to be several miles away on an desert island.

Unfortunately, there were no desert islands within affordable reach; maybe a sign?

21 months to prepare, 1 month to actually sit for all our papers, and 2 months before they came back from the UK with all the red. You could say the journey took 2 years, but I'm not the only one who'd say it felt more like 10.

Most of us came back for the results, but all of us came back for each other.

Walking around you would see the Year 11's walking around the hallways; the noise we made probably gave us away. Personally, with everyone's busy schedules after the IGCSE's (college, visiting, holidays, etc), it's been hard to spend time with each other. There's Skype sure, but nothing beats being able to give each other a whack on the back.

Possibly the best place for Year 11 spotting before the event was at the canteen. As you all know, Cempaka Cheras' chicken rice is almost impossible to avoid.

I'm practically on Twitter all the time. Around this time as I scrolling through new tweets, Datin Freida (Founder of Cempaka Schools) tweet a tweet saying our results were "superlative". In an instant, there was more hope than there was before.

Unlike the SPM or PMR result announcement ceremonies, ours was private. Held in the open space below the library, you could only see teachers, Year 11's (of course), friends and family. I can't say if it's better to share these moments with or without the rest of the student body, but it certainly sounded like the whole school was in here.

I gave my hand at LIVE Twitter Updates, but I have no idea how journalists keep up with the speed of the speaker; it just blew my mind. Laptops maybe? A few minutes later? Probably.

Anyway, Datin Freida (hostess of today's event) started right off the bat with the good stuff: the brilliants.

The students who scored 10 straight A's deserved the special mention, but I think one truly deserves specificity: Lim Wei Jie; 10 A*'s.

Then she gave the percentages, the percentage of students who scored A's and A*'s. We roared with delight.

As the final results information sheets were presented, Datin announced that these results earned here today were the best in Cempaka International thus far.

My greatest congratulations to the CIS Class of 2010!

Flight to Melbourne

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