Tuesday, December 20, 2011

United Buddy Bears

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Saturday, December 17, 2011 - "We have to get to know each other better. It makes us understand one another better, trust each other more, and live together more peacefully."

Ellie (@ellyasam on Twitter) had just arrived in Malaysia, and Josh (@joshualeesl on Twitter) with his younger sister Jasmaine (@jasmaine98 on Twitter) joined us as we traveled to the Pavilion KL.

As we drove past, we noticed these towering and super flashy bears erected in a perimeter around the complex and its welcoming fountain. Naturally, we had to join everybody else and take photos. It was practically the only option available.

Even cooler: Each was assigned to a specific country.

Only after getting back home late that night did I delve into what those bears actually meant. I mean, a hundred or so bears. Come on. Gotta be a catch. Right?

So I Google'd (don't tell my dad, he works at Microsoft) "bears pavilion" and after a surfing through a few pages, BOOP. I found out they were world touring Buddy Bears. Like the Gummy Bears, only way cooler and not edible (as far as we know).

These aptly named, United Buddy Bears, travel here and there every so often, promoting peace and harmony. Around 140 bears are designed by different artists on behalf of their native countries. I personally thought the bears were adopting that scary pose bears do before pouncing but, really, they're made to stand in that way to give the idea that they're "standing together hand in hand." Oh, and these bears have racked in about €1,800,000 (November 2011) through donations and auctions in aid of UNICEF and local children’s relief organisations.

Also, I'm now one of the 25 million or so visitors world-wide to have been photographed with the bears. Probably only one of the fewer to have hugged one (not photographed, sorry). Jealous? They'll be around 'til the 15th of Feb next year.

If you're the type for details, look no further than here (http://www.buddy-baer.com/)

@bernardsam on Twitter:

Christmas Day
I'm secretly an elf. Don't tell.

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