Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Day.

Sweaty palms. Insides freezing. Trying to remember how to breathe, I'm totally stunned. Speechless as a dozen thoughts swirl around the inside of my head.

It's the first day of school -- and all my life, I've only felt like this thrice.

Where it began, Primary School. A day before the first, by fate, I made a friend underwater in a club swimming pool. Later he'd tell me we were going to the same school the very next day and even later, he turned out to be my first best friend. The first day was painless as it was quick. Unlike most of the other kids, my parents weren't there but I didn't mind. Knowing where was where was tricky, but eventually it stuck.

Secondary School. Before UPSR (the major exam in Std. 6), right outside our window and beyond the road, was where we knew we'd end up. The opposite block was always a mystery to us, as we never ventured beyond the ground floor or the bathrooms. All we knew was our seniors occupied the space, and we'd be meeting them soon. What was it like? We've only ever heard stories. The first day turned out eventful. So many new friends made, an amazing class teacher. This turned out even better than Primary School.

Finally, the third. Cempaka International School. An entirely new school. I only knew of the people there, never themselves. But Ellya was there and had built a name for herself. As I walked beside the building I would later know as the North Hall, I received plenty of stares. I knew where to go, I knew some of the friends through Friendster (didn't use Facebook then). When a prefect asked me to go to 8 Aqua, I was strucked shocked. I panicked. My future classmates saved me. That first day was all it took to make me friends that I still Skype now.

RMIT. It's a blank at the moment. No expectations, because I don't know what to expect.

Nervousness as I anticipate what is to come. That's how I feel. The first time I'll get out of the house in the morning to catch 2 trams into the city. I've only been there four times. I'm really spontaneous and improvisational (Joshua, Muhaimin and Kevin taught me to be), but this time I'm flying without any knowledge, friends and plans. If history repeats itself -- which I really hope it does -- thing's will work out on their own.

I might be overexaggerating, but forget getting me to next year. Just get me to Day 2.

*pictures courtesy of respective school websites

PAX Prime 2010
Penny Arcade Expo
3.09.2010 - 05.09.2010

RMIT Commencement
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

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