Thursday, September 2, 2010

You Probably Missed It.

So I was clicking on the "8 new tweets." the other night and came across this peculiar thing:

I made all my windows zoom out into neat segments and clicked on Skype™. Popped open a chat with Zenna and went:

After a couple of minutes or so, out came:

Frustrated (time does pass by slowly in Melbourne), I complained:

Then as she lost her train of thought with that OMG, we went on to argue about the humidity of our humour:

On Twitter, she tweet a tweet:

And by "The tweet below", she meant this:

Of course, I had to tweet back something:

But it didn't end there:

Anyway, back on Skype we were catching up (school, all that jazz). Then quite suddenly, Zenna drops the Random Bomb (like the atomic only random-er):

What else could I say? I went:
NOTE: I wasn't really laughing

Now fastforward into the future, just as I was about to pull away:

Analysing the message as deeply as I could, a million thoughts, irrelevant to the subject, swirled in my head but in the end I said:

After 3 minutes:

Most displeased at the thought that she busied herself with other far more important things, I began:
WARNING: Following may contain content inappropriate for children

After much processed thought, Zenna claimed:

Yes, this was her idea. Yes, she was quite rushy. What's with the capitals? She was shouting it to the screen. No, I couldn't hear her.

After minutes into our work, I had to break the silence:

I also had to ask:

That's when I got:

Like Gollum not wanting to feel Frodo and Sam's wrath, quickly I typed:
NOTE: Yep, you're right -- still got the wrath.


UPDATE: Zenna's jealous my post did turn out cooler (but her post goes back to the dinosaur age; honestly worth a read -- link's below):

For Zenna's not forgotten side to the story, click here

For Zenna's reblog of this, as well as her thoughts, click here

This conversation took 2 hours.
This post took 1 hour.
Yes, they overlapped.

PAX Prime 2010
Penny Arcade Expo
3.09.2010 - 05.09.2010

RMIT Commencement
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

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