Friday, August 6, 2010

ETA 6:10:30:59

IGCSE ended about 2 months ago?

I honesty can't believe it's been that long/short. I don't even know which word to use. Take your pick.

In a little less than a week, most of us (us being the Class of 2010 Year 11's) will be back in the Cheras campus for our results. Our results. I haven't seen the lot of them for a couple of months so seeing them all again where we first met is gonna be great.

Not sure if I can say the same for the results. Haha!

Nearly everyone's getting spooked at the thought of getting bad results, and I can't blame them. In essence this is about the only major exam in the International Stream, and are the results you're gonna need for applications.

To tell you the truth, I'm hardly intimidated at all. There is undoubtedly a bit of nervousness in there, and I want those A*'s, but what's done is done. If I do badly: well sometimes you've got to take a few steps back before you can leap further.

But if I do get high marks: well I guess if you can leap far, leap far.

For all of my personal thoughts and ratings for the Cempaka Science Stream papers, click here *i even left ratings for each paper

IGCSE Results @ Cempaka Cheras
International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Flight to Melbourne

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