Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sensing a Pattern Here.

Provisional Results Information

0450 Business Studies: A*(a*)
0455 Economics: A(a)
0500 First Language English: B(b)
0546 Foreign Language Malay: A*(a*)
0580 Mathematics (w/out Coursework: A(a)
0610 Biology: A*(a*)
0620 Chemistry: A(a)
0625 Physics: A*(a*)

Result: Distinction

I'm actually really satisfied with my results.

Though I didn't expect to get a B for my English Language. Maybe not an A* (that's way ambitious, Bernard; possible but way ambitious) but I did feel a possible A coming. Teachers went: "Whoa!" Friends went: "WTH (not in alphabet form)!"

There is the option of remarking, which was advised by the English Teachers (and Zenna), but English is really quite subjective. Never really thought highly of the remarking system, but I am finding out the procedures of it all before considering the option.

Whatever the case, I've accepted my marks for what they are and I think I've done great.

So in short: 4 A*'s, 3 A's, 1 B

Also a big CONGRATULATIONS to all Year 11's. Best marks for Cempaka International? We've taken the lead.

Note: Post on the announcement "ceremony" today will appear above this one soon!

Flight to Melbourne

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