Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Come Back.

The Semester A Finals. Creepy stuff.

Plus, to make things more organised, the results will be posted in this post as well.

Papers will be reviewed from my own account from 0 (WTF?) to 10 (Masterful) for you to get a better understanding of how well I thought the papers were (based mostly on length, time allocation, question variation, experience), not how simply by how easy it was.

LAST UPDATE: January 24, 2010 9:07PM

Biology A
Physics A
Chemistry A
General Mathematics A
• English Language A

• Week 1:
- Day 1 (Monday): English Language A - "Is Marriage a health advantage?" Well, irregardless of the facts, that's what our paper was about. Relatively easy, I didn't particularly enjoy the paper. Maybe it was the article; the prose was unsurprisingly excellent but the fluidity of the paper, not so. (+7.5)
- Day 2 (Wednesday): General Mathematics & Biology A - The math paper was worth shouting a war-cry afterward; seriously real good stuff there. The Biology was challenging enough. As usual the multiple choice served my ass. (+9, +8.5)
Day 3 (Thursday): Chemistry A - Super hard paper. Never sat through the entire 2 hours of a paper at Foundation Studies before. My classmates share the same assessment. Let's just leave it at that. (+3.5)
Day 4 (Friday): Physics A - Definitely not what I call easy. Left 2 questions out. Couldn't find the right equations for half the paper. The formulae sheet honestly did nothing to help; excluding the Kinematics Equations. (+6)

For my thoughts on the Mid-Semester A Examinations, click here (

Dead Space 2
"Unrelentingly Intense" - PlayStation: The Official Magazine

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