You go to school. You sit down at school. You tell yourself, "I'm going to sail through this, and I'm coming out without a scratch." You've prepared for this.
Teachers walk down the aisle, sliding booklets onto your plastic desk, passing the occasional good luck to your ears, all the while with a bright smile of motivational value.
You look around. You give a thumbs up to the neighbouring exam-taker. He thumbs up back.
You face the front and rub the paper against the table. You wait. You hear, "Okay, you may start" out of nowhere. May; heh, so what happens if you don't start?
You flip the page and it's unfamiliar territory. Perhaps you've seen it, but the memory of it lay hidden in the deep recesses of your mind. That's fine, there's another 14 pages behind; at least one bound to be made 100% correct.
You decide to count the pages, make sure everything's fine and dandy. You proceed whipping the pages aside, staring motionlessly at the top of the paper. Numbers dart through and your eyes catch more never before seen territory, but you press forward. Black and white is all that welcomes you until you reach the end, where it's just white.
You start hearing more and more people sighing, by this time. Looks like it's a tough ride ahead; everyone's showing off the effort they're putting in.
You're at Page 2 once more. You read the question, analysing every word twice in your mind. You pen down your best answer and move on to the next. Soon you have to flip the page.
You do it. Then you do it again, and probably again.
You ask yourself: "Did I freaking study for the right paper?"
Well, I hope so.
IGCSE 2010
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
11.05.2010 - 11.06.2010
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